Digital Marketing
Is A Social Media Apprenticeship Worth It?
I’ll share some of the biggest challenges I’ve faced as an apprentice and some of the small but effective ways I’ve helped myself to overcome them. ...
7th February, 2025
The average human attention span is eight seconds (you’re still with me, though, because you’re here to learn how to optimise your infographic like a pro).
With the internet providing us immediate rewards and results every time we seek out knowledge, the human race is getting lazier and more impatient.
90% of information is transmitted to the brain visually, so infographics seem to be the way forward for easily digestible information. There’s only one problem. Google doesn’t see the same way as you.
Google doesn’t have eyes, at least, we don’t think so… So we need to make sure we translate our infographics to help The Almighty understand what we’re trying to promote. Let’s get started.
So you’ve pulled together an awesome infographic and it’s going to wow your target audience and make everyone fall in love with your brand.
But before you release your infographic into the big bad world you need to be standing on strong SEO foundations that will bring your desired audience to your website.
Create a landing page to house your infographic. You want to spend time optimising this page because this is your opportunity to make sure Google ‘sees’ the data you’re presenting. Follow this checklist:
Now you’ve got a beautiful new landing page. You can read and understand it, and so can Google. It’s time to face the music.
Firstly, you need to consider how your design will be displayed when marketing on social media. If your infographic is longer or larger than the usual image dimensions for social, as it probably is, then it’s likely you’ll end up with your design cropped or too small to read in a social media feed.
To make sure your infographic has the biggest impact at a glance, enticing people to click on your post, you’ll want to make some infographic thumbnails, specifically for the social platforms you decide to use.
This guide to image dimensions for social media will help you find the correct sizes.
You’ll want to use these thumbnails as open graph card tags on your landing page too, so that when people choose to share your design via your social sharing buttons you can be sure the appropriate thumbnail link preview is used.
If you are using Facebook ads to promote your infographic consider how much text is in your thumbnails. You want them to grab someone’s attention as they scroll through their news feed and they’re not going to engage with an paragraph of tiny text encased in an image. Prioritise your most attention grabbing text and imagery.
Using social media is one way to get your infographic into the public eye quickly. But don’t forget that you also have a resource of contacts primed for further exposure. Sending your infographic out as an email campaign to your customer database will mean your brand new marketing collateral, and link to your new page, lands straight into their inboxes.
Writing a new blog dedicated to your infographic and the data presented within, as well as adding your thumbnail designs to your homepage will help with building impactful internal links too.
Having covered all home bases, it’s time to start reaching out into the digital abyss to find some like-minded folks who want to shout about your infographic as much as you do.
Influencers are some of the most trusted advocates in the digital world, and we’re not just talking about Love Island alumni, there are influencers for every industry. Getting into the pocket of influencers in your industry circles means opening up your business to a treasure trove of loyal followers.
Research influencers relevant to your business or to your infographic topic, and reach out to them. You might have to pay for this type of promotion, but it can really be worth it!
Infographic directories offer an easy and quick way to get some good quality backlinks to your infographic landing page. Some of these websites request a fee which can range from £10 up to £100 or more depending on the domain authority of the website. But there are also lots of websites that accept free submissions.
Be prepared to write out an entirely unique description of about 200 words about your infographic each time you make a submission as this is something that most directories ask for.
As with any link building project, approaching journalists and media websites with your infographic will help you to land some backlinks, increase brand awareness and traffic to your website.
Conduct some research and compile a list of news and media websites to which you think your infographic would be valuable and begin approaching them with your winning design.
As with any marketing campaign, it is important to monitor the results of your work. Keep an eye on your landing page in Google Analytics to see which channels of promotion have been the most successful and the types of traffic you are receiving. This will help you to understand which parts of your campaign were successful and what needs to be changed next time.
Monitor metrics on social media to see how people are interacting with your infographic and make sure you are engaging with your audiences.
It’s possible your infographic has travelled further than you think! Use the reverse Google image search function to search for places your design has been uploaded across the web. If there are any websites that haven’t referenced your company, you’re well within your rights to request a backlink.
So there you have it! Optimising and promoting an infographic is straightforward and easy, and you can even expect some immediate results from your work.
Don’t forget, if you’re feeling lazy, busy, or need even more help we can just do it for you after all!
Digital Marketing
4th January, 2021
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